Nasi Kukus Sederhana


  • 500 gram beras, cuci bersih
  • 750 ml air

Cara Membuat

  • Rebus air sampai mendidih, masukkan beras, masak terus hingga air habis. Aduk sebentar, angkat.
  • Isi panci kukusan dengan air hingga sedikit dibawah saringan kukusan, rebus air hingga mendidih.
  • Pindah nasi ke kukusan. Kukus selama 45 menit hingga matang. Angkat dan hidangkan dengan sayur dan lauk sesuai selera.

Simple Steamed Rice


  • 500 grams medium grain rice, washed
  • 750 cc water


  • Heat water until boiling. Add rice in, continue cooking until water evaporates completely.
  • Prepare steamer, fill in some water until just below the steamer rack. Cook water until boiling.
  • Put half-cooked rice onto the steamer rack, place the lid properly, steamed for approximately 45 minutes.
  • Served together with any side dishes to taste.

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